Доставить за 30 мс: 5 лучших плагинов для оптимизации работы WordPress в 2021 году

Доставить за 30 мс: 5 лучших плагинов для оптимизации работы WordPress в 2021 году

Вы и без нас знаете, что у WordPress есть проблемы. Да, при создании сайтов им пользуются в 40% случаев — на то он и простой, как трёхколёсный велосипед. Но проблема в том, что при желании из этого велосипеда легко можно собрать хоть Франкенштейна социальную сеть с экосистемой встроенных сервисов — достаточно установить десяток-другой, а то и всю сотню плагинов на сайт. В результате возникают проблемы с безопасностью, совместимостью и скоростью загрузки сайта. Хорошая новость в том, что есть как минимум пять способов заставить WordPress работать лучше — подробней о них в нашей подборке плагинов. О большинстве из них вы уже наверняка слышали, но в списке есть и одна новинка — вместе с другими решениями она позволит вашим пользователям забыть об ожидании загрузки контента на сайте.

Шаг 1: устанавливаем дополнительные меры защиты

Зачем вам спорткар, если у него не закрываются двери? Так же всё обстоит и с WordPress-сайтами, на которые по разным оценкам приходится около 80% всех атак на CMS: как бы привлекательна ни была высокая скорость работы, сначала нужно позаботиться о безопасности. Мы не будем останавливаться на очевидных советах вроде важности регулярного обновления системы и плагинов до актуальных версий — об этом вы наверняка знаете и без нас, — но расскажем об одном из лучших способов обеспечить сайт на WordPress дополнительными мерами защиты. Плагин iThemes Security, ранее известный как Better WP Security, — это комплексное решение, которое разом справляется с рядом задач:

  • Распознаёт уязвимости других плагинов и определяет устаревшие версии ПО;
  • Обнаруживает и сообщает администратору об изменениях в файлах;
  • Сравнивает файлы ядра с текущей версией WordPress;
  • Предупреждает об использовании старых паролей;
  • Определяет и блокирует вредоносных пользователей;
  • Обеспечивает резервное копирование баз данных;
  • Позволяет настроить двухфакторную аутентификацию.

Всего в плагине предусмотрено более 30 мер защиты. Недостаток лишь в том, что многие из них доступны в платной версии плагина iThemes Security Pro. Последняя обойдётся в $48 за годовую лицензию на один сайт, $77 — за 10 сайтов или $120 — за любое количество.

Шаг 2: настраиваем кеширование

Долгосрочное хранение постраничного или транзитного кеша в WordPress по умолчанию не предусмотрено. А жаль: кеширование в разы ускоряет передачу пользователям запрашиваемых данных. Очевидно, это хорошо сказывается и на отношении к сайту поисковиков, и на поведенческих факторах. Помимо того, оно снижает нагрузку на сервер, так как ему не приходится больше раз за разом выполнять одни и те же операции. Простой способ добавить эту технологию на WordPress-сайт — установить плагин WP Super Cache. Он заменяет динамический HTML сайта статической версией и затем выдаёт её пользователям, что и сокращает время загрузки контента. В плагине предусмотрено всё нужное для повышения скорости работы сайта, в том числе разные механизмы обработки данных на выбор пользователя — так, например, Apache mod_rewrite обходит стороной все медленные и требовательные к ресурсам PHP-скрипты.

Помимо того, что плагин совершенно бесплатный, у него есть и другое важное преимущество — наличие поддержки CDN на выбор пользователя благодаря интеграции с OSSDL CDN off-linker. Для этого достаточно изменить URL-адреса файлов (кроме .php) в папках wp-content и wp-includes на сервере таким образом, чтобы они указывали на другое имя хоста.

Шаг 3: подключаем CDN

Если WP Super Cache позволяет кешировать файлы WordPress-сайта, то сеть доставки контента ускоряет их передачу до пользователей. Это происходит благодаря тому, что с помощью CDN статические данные передаются не с основного сервера, а с кеш-серверов, распределённых по миру. Таким образом, нужные файлы пользователи получают с ближайших к ним точек присутствия сети CDN-провайдера, что ускоряет загрузку сайта, уменьшает нагрузку на сервер и сокращает количество расходуемого трафика.

Подключить CDN можно как с помощью OSSDL CDN off-linker, встроенного в WP Super Cache, так и другим простым способом — установив плагин G-Core Labs CDN. Детальная настройка работы сети доставки контента с его помощью займёт 15 минут. Для этого после установки достаточно указать персональный домен из личного кабинета G-Core Labs в настройках плагина, а затем выбрать типы файлов и папок, которые вы хотите раздавать через сеть доставки контента. Расширение автоматически настроит замену существующих статических ссылок на CDN и эффективно ускорит доставку контента: для этого в сети используются решения на основе процессоров Intel Xeon Scalable второго и третьего поколения, а точки её присутствия расположены более чем в 100 городах по всему миру, что обеспечивает время загрузки сайта в пределах 20–30 миллисекунд.

Шаг 4: отключаем лишние опции WordPress

После того, как кеширование всего, что можно кешировать, настроено, а всё, что можно доставлять через CDN, через неё и доставляется, хорошо бы избавиться от всего лишнего. Для решения этой задачи предназначен плагин Perfmatters, который позволяет оптимизировать работу WordPress без изменения кода и файла functions.php.

В настройках плагина предусмотрен длинный перечень возможностей CMS, которые можно включать и отключать одним кликом. Скажем, если вы не добавляете на страницы сайта emojis, то к чему вам их поддержка — отключите её, чтобы сократить общее количество HTTP-запросов и размер страницы. А если вам не нужны редакции страниц трёхлетней давности, то и хранить их нет смысла — сократите их число до нужного количества с помощью Perfmatters. Подобных настроек в плагине предусмотрены десятки: от изменения интервалов автосохранений до отключения комментариев и поддержки Google Maps на страницах, где их нет.

Шаг 5: настраиваем резервное копирование

Что бы ни произошло с сайтом, если у вас есть бэкап — всё поправимо. Желательно только, чтобы бэкап был не годичной давности. Как раз таки для избежания таких проблем и предусмотрены плагины для настройки резервного копирования. Понятно, что справиться с этой задачей можно и вручную или средствами хостинг-провайдера. Однако, плагины — простое решение, которое позволяет автоматизировать весь процесс копирования за несколько минут. Одним из лучших среди них считается UpdraftPlus, это расширение установлено на трёх с лишним миллионах сайтов, а среди его пользователей такие компании и организации, как Cisco, Microsoft и NASA.

Бесплатная версия плагина позволяет сохранять полные копии ресурса и затем выгружать их на локальный диск или в удобное облачное хранилище — для этого в нём предусмотрена поддержка Dropbox, Google Drive и других сервисов. Также резервные копии можно отправлять по FTP и SFTP, а настройка расписания позволяет автоматизировать не только процесс резервного копирования, но и сохранение копий в удобное хранилище. Платная версия плагина — UpdraftPremium — обойдётся в $70 за лицензию на два сайта, но разработчики предлагают и другие планы с «оптовыми» ценами.

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24 Best WordPress SEO Plugins to Help Boost Your Website’s Ranking

24 Best WordPress SEO Plugins to Help Boost Your Website’s Ranking

Search engine optimization (SEO) is essential to boost WordPress website visibility, increase organic traffic, and gain more leads. It also helps your site rank prominently on search engine results pages (SERPs). Therefore, establishing a successful online presence and increasing conversions.

Fortunately, WordPress SEO plugins offer a straightforward method to perform site optimization. They provide intuitive user interfaces and easy-to-use tools so beginners can use them.

We have conducted in-depth research to compile the 24 best SEO plugins in six categories – on-page, analytics, speed optimization, all-around SEO, redirects, and content planning. Here are our top picks for each category:

  • MonsterInsights
  • LiteSpeed Cache
  • SEOPress
  • Redirection
  • CoSchedule

Best On-Site SEO Plugins

Improving on-page SEO is vital for creating better content for search engine crawling. With the help of an on-page SEO WordPress plugin, you can work more efficiently to improve search engine rankings.

1. All in One SEO (AIOSEO)


  • Downloads: 3,000,000+
  • Rating: 4.7/5
  • Best for: business websites and online stores
  • Price: freemium, paid plans start at $49.60/year

All in One SEO (AIOSEO) is one of the best SEO plugins for WordPress and small to medium-sized business websites. Its beginner-friendly dashboard makes AIOSEO suitable for users with minimal SEO knowledge.

The plugin’s installation process is straightforward, and you can immediately perform website optimization once activated. AIOSEO also integrates smoothly with various webmaster tools and WooCommerce for optimized product pages.

The free version is sufficient for most personal or small business websites. The premium plans offer more advanced features:

Key Features

  • Social media integration – controls how your content and thumbnails look on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and other social media platforms.
  • Sitemap – automatically generates RSS, HTML, and XML sitemaps to notify search engines of any changes.
  • On-page analysis – provides an actionable optimization checklist for every page and post.


  • You must create an AIOSEO account to utilize its features.
  • Unnecessary calls to action frequently appear when using the plugin.

2. Yoast SEO

Yoast SEO Stats:

Yoast SEO is one of the best WordPress plugins to improve website SEO. It offers quick setup, detailed suggestions to make optimized content, and access to advanced settings for experienced website owners.

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The plugin helps website owners quickly optimize content, create sitemaps, and manage titles and meta descriptions. It also integrates well with popular platforms like Google’s Web Stories, Elementor, and WordProof.

The free version of Yoast SEO comes with basic SEO features and tools. Meanwhile, Yoast SEO Premium provides advanced features like 24/7 support, social media previews, a redirect manager, and automatic internal linking suggestions.

Key Features

  • Built-in XML sitemaps – create and submit an XML sitemap to search engines like Google and Bing. You don’t have to install an additional sitemap plugin.
  • Content analysis – generates content readability scores, which help identify areas of improvement in your writing.
  • Automated RSS feed submission – automatically add links to your site in each blog post to protect against web scrapers.


  • The Yoast SEO plugin gives constant notifications that may clutter the WordPress dashboard and disrupt user activity.

3. Rank Math

Rank Math Stats:

  • Downloads: 1,000,000+
  • Rating: 4.9/5
  • Best for: personal and business websites
  • Price: freemium, paid plans start at $59/year

The Rank Math SEO plugin is a powerful tool to improve website visibility in search engine results. It offers automatic XML sitemaps and an SEO analysis tool to improve site performance. It also has features to avoid mistakes that harm the website’s ranking.

The plugin provides seamless integrations with Google Search Console and Google Analytics. This WordPress plugin also runs a detailed analysis to identify issues with your search engine optimization efforts.

The free plan comes with basic features. Consider getting one of its premium plans to access Rank Math’s unique and advanced features:

Key Features

  • Content AI – improves content quality using artificial intelligence assistance for keywords and links.
  • Rank tracker – monitors keyword performance in search results and how your WordPress website fares against competitors.
  • Schema generator – adds structured data to posts and pages using various schema types, such as articles, products, and recipes.


  • Rank Math needs more reliable customer support so users don’t have to wait long before receiving assistance.

4. The SEO Framework

The SEO Framework Stats:

The SEO Framework is a powerful plugin for blogs and media websites that regularly post new content. It provides an easy-to-use interface that lets you quickly customize your website’s SEO settings, such as meta titles and descriptions, structured data, and Open Graph tags.

The plugin also offers helpful analytics and diagnostics tools, providing clear site performance information. It uses color coding to highlight areas of improvement and offers optimization suggestions.

The free plugin provides most of its main SEO management and automation features. The premium plans offer additional functions with more advanced structured data and security features:

Key Features

  • Canonical URLs – help search engines find the proper URLs to crawl, primarily when duplicates exist.
  • Roots meta tags – prevent search engine bots from indexing, following, and caching a specific page or post.
  • Automated title and description – automatically generate your page title and description for better keyword research and optimization.


  • Users need SEO knowledge to utilize the plugin’s advanced tools.

Best Analytics and Tracking Plugins

Analyzing content performance, customer behaviors, and site traffic are crucial to ensure the success of your SEO efforts. We have several recommended WordPress SEO plugins that integrate well with Google Analytics or serve as its replacement.

1. MonsterInsights

MonsterInsights Stats:

  • Downloads: 3,000,000+
  • Rating: 4.6/5
  • Best for: business websites and online stores
  • Price: freemium, paid plans start at $99.50/year

MonsterInsights is the best Google Analytics plugin for WordPress. It’s suitable for business websites and online stores that want to track their website’s traffic and user behavior. The plugin’s beginner-friendly setup helps users quickly activate analytics tracking tools.

This WordPress SEO analysis tool can analyze Google AdSense and affiliate links to show your site’s conversion rate. The plugin’s filters can also save time when making data-driven decisions.

Since the free version only provides basic features, we recommend getting one of the premium plans to utilize the plugin’s unique features:

Key Features

  • Inline – adds popular posts to your website to help visitors discover more of your web pages.
  • Real-time statistics – show the most recent data of website traffic and visitors’ behavior directly on your WordPress dashboard.
  • Links and ads tracking – automatically track clicks on your affiliate links, outbound links, and banner ads.


  • The more unique, advanced features are only available on the premium plans

2. Site Kit

Site Kit Stats:

Site Kit is one of the best WordPress SEO plugins for checking website performance. It also helps you track user behavior and improve website visibility on search engines.

Setting up the plugin is relatively straightforward, as users only need to provide Gmail and Google Analytics accounts. Once connected, you can immediately use the plugin. However, generating the site traffic report requires approximately 48 hours.

This SEO analysis tool integrates smoothly with several Google services, including AdSense and Google Search Console. The former lets you track monetization, while the latter helps measure site performance on search engine results pages.

This analytics SEO plugin for WordPress does not offer premium add-ons or plans.

Key Features

  • Easy-to-read Google SEO tools stats – gives you a comprehensive overview of Google stats, like Google Analytics and PageSpeed Insights.
  • Easy and quick setup – enables you to configure and operate the plugin quickly.
  • Real-time tracking – generates valuable insights that can help improve your WordPress website SEO efforts.


  • Several reports suggest Site Kit might slow down or crash your WordPress site.

3. WP Statistics

WP Statistics Stats:

  • Downloads: 600,000+
  • Rating: 4.1/5
  • Best for: personal and business websites
  • Price: freemium, with paid add-ons starting at $15/year

WP Statistics is a freemium, easy-to-use SEO plugin for WordPress that suits personal and business websites. This plugin lets WordPress users access detailed statistics about website visitors, such as page views, unique visits, referrers, and search terms.

It offers real-time tracking, content statistics based on tags, and visitor filtering options. Furthermore, the plugin is intuitive, which simplifies website performance monitoring.

You can enjoy basic WP Statistics features for free. Premium add-ons, which start at $15-$99/year, offer even more powerful features.

Key Features

  • Real-time traffic analysis – summarizes insightful information on site traffic, including the visited pages, visitors, and referrers.
  • Data protection compliance – protects users’ privacy and personal information, meaning the plugin will not cache any cookies in visitors’ web browsers.
  • Downloadable data – lets you download WP Statistics’ data in different formats, such as TSV, XML, and CSV, and use it with other SEO plugins.


  • The WP Statistics developers are relatively slow at responding to user issues.

4. Analytify

Analytify Stats:

  • Downloads: 50,000+
  • Rating: 4.7/5
  • Best for: personal and business websites
  • Price: freemium, paid plans start at $59/year

Analytify is a beginner-friendly Google Analytics plugin for blog, eCommerce, and company site owners. The plugin uses one-click authentication to connect to your Google Analytics account, automatically adding the tracking ID to your WordPress website.

The WordPress plugin’s dashboard displays a detailed overview of your website statistics, including traffic, page views, bounce rate, and sessions. With Analytify’s easy-to-use dashboard and reporting tools, you can gather important information to improve your website’s performance and reach.

This WordPress SEO plugin’s free plan comes with basic features and tools. If the free version doesn’t fulfill your requirements, consider purchasing one of the following premium plans:

Key Features

  • Enhanced eCommerce tracking – WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads users can monitor customer behaviors in real-time.
  • Real-time reporting – provides an insightful graphical overview of your current visitors.
  • Social media statistics – generates reports about the number of visits from social media platforms.


  • Setting up the Google Analytics tracking can be quite demanding for new users.

Best Speed Optimization Plugins

Page speed is a crucial factor affecting keyword rankings and user experience. You can increase page load speed by implementing various optimization tactics. Fortunately, WordPress offers some of the best SEO plugins to help website owners optimize their page speed.

1. LiteSpeed Cache

LiteSpeed Stats:

LiteSpeed Cache ensures top performance for WordPress sites using server-level full-page caching. Among other speed optimization plugins, LiteSpeed is considered the best WordPress SEO plugin for enhancing page speed.

LiteSpeed’s general features are compatible with various web servers, including Apache and NGINX. However, you must use OpenLiteSpeed, commercial LiteSpeed products, LiteSpeed-powered hosting, or QUIC.cloud CDN to utilize LiteSpeed exclusive features.

Fortunately, this plugin is easy to use since it has beginner-friendly yet powerful features. This WordPress SEO plugin is free and open-source. Hostinger is one of several hosting providers that use LiteSpeed.

Key Features

  • Edge Side Includes (ESI) – caches public and private content separately. This is useful for shopping cart widgets and personalized greetings.
  • Minify JavaScript and CSS – improve WordPress site speed by minifying JavaScript and CSS files.
  • Intelligent caching – keeps cache up-to-date and accurate.


  • Although LiteSpeed Cache offers user-friendly navigation, the plugin uses many technical terms and can be demanding for beginners.

2. WP Rocket

WP Rocket Stats:

  • Downloads: 2,000,000+
  • Rating: 4.9/5
  • Best for: small, medium, and eCommerce websites
  • Price: premium, paid plans start from $59/year

WP Rocket is a popular WordPress SEO plugin that enhances page speed optimization efforts. It suits various website owners, such as bloggers, freelancers, and online shop owners.

WP Rocket is a third-party SEO tool not listed in the official WordPress plugin directory. To install and activate it, download the installation file from the WP Rocket official website and manually upload it to WordPress.

The plugin has powerful caching features to help optimize your Core Web Vitals, page load speed, and Google PageSpeed score. It has a beginner-friendly user interface, making it easy to learn for new users.

Here is a list of the plugin’s premium plans:

  • Single – handles one website for $59/year.
  • Plus – manages three websites for $199/year.
  • Infinite – handles unlimited websites for $299/year.
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Key Features

  • Great compatibility – supports most popular plugins and themes and is accessible for managed WordPress hosting.
  • eCommerce optimization – ensures your online shop runs properly and doesn’t cache sensitive pages.
  • Cache preloading – immediately preloads the cache whenever you make changes on web pages.


  • WP Rocket doesn’t provide a free trial or a demo version, so users cannot try the plugin before purchasing it.

3. W3 Total Cache

W3 Total Cache Stats:

  • Downloads: 1,000,000+
  • Rating: 4.4/5
  • Best for: medium to large business websites
  • Price: freemium, paid plan costs $8.25/month

W3 Total Cache (W3TC) is a great website optimization plugin to improve performance and user experience. It suits medium to large business websites looking to increase their SEO rankings.

W3TC follows the web performance optimization (WPO) framework. This SEO plugin includes page, database, object, and browser cache settings to reduce load times. It works well with various hosting environments and is easily scalable to fulfill additional needs.

The free plugin already includes an extensive set of optimization features. However, the premium version for $8.25/month adds tools like caching statistics and full site delivery.

Key Features

  • Minify – optimizes the size of CSS and JavaScript files, removing unnecessary data to increase site speed.
  • Content delivery network (CDN) – connects with your CDN to host static files for faster loading time.
  • Usage statistics – provide data on your site performance over time using graphs.


  • The W3TC plugin requires extensive knowledge of website optimization.

4. WP-Optimize

WP-Optimize Stats:

  • Downloads: 1,000,000+
  • Rating: 4.8/5
  • Best for: personal and business websites
  • Price: freemium, paid plans start at $49/year

WP-Optimize is an all-in-one performance plugin that caches a site, compresses its images, and cleans its database. Its simple setup and user-friendly dashboard make WP-Optimize suitable for all types of WordPress websites.

This WordPress plugin’s cache settings suit websites with multiple languages and currencies.

The free version includes the main features to optimize your website performance. The premium version offers more advanced optimization options like scheduling and dedicated support:

Key Features

  • Database optimization – clears unnecessary data, cleans database tables, and retrieves space lost to data fragmentation.
  • Caching – frees up valuable megabytes of data and increases speed by removing unnecessary post revisions, spam, and unapproved comments.
  • Image compression – converts large images into smaller files using cutting-edge lossy compression techniques.


  • According to some users, the WP-Optimize auto-updates feature can cause issues from time to time.

Best All-Round SEO Plugins

Having too many active plugins can harm your web performance. We recommend installing an SEO plugin that covers various optimization tasks.

1. SEOPress

SEOPress Stats:

  • Downloads: 200,000+
  • Rating: 4.8/5
  • Best for: personal and business websites
  • Price: freemium, paid plans start at $49/year

SEOPress is a user-friendly plugin suitable for personal and professional websites. This WordPress SEO plugin controls redirects, broken links, and rich snippets. With SEOPress, you can manage access for different WordPress website owners.

SEOPress integrates seamlessly with popular eCommerce, performance, and analytics tools like WooCommerce and Google Analytics.

The free version should be sufficient for personal websites. It provides excellent basic features, such as a built-in XML sitemaps creation tool and a social media integration feature.

To unlock the advanced tools and features, consider purchasing one of the following premium plans:

  • Pro – includes advanced SEO features for $49/year
  • Insights – has analytics features for $99/year
  • Bundle – consists of all SEO and analytics features for $128/year

Key Features

  • Instant indexing – uses the Google Indexing API and IndexNow API for Bing and Yandex to index content faster.
  • Page builders – integrates with themes and page builders, such as Elementor, Divi Builder, Oxygen Builder, and Beaver Builder.
  • Image SEO – automatically optimizes images to get more traffic from Google Images.


  • The shared number of available features can be overwhelming for newcomers.

2. Squirrly SEO

Squirrly SEO Stats:

  • Downloads: 200,000+
  • Rating: 4.6/5
  • Best for: large business, multimedia, and eCommerce websites
  • Price: freemium, paid plans start at $29.99/month

Squirrly SEO is one of the best WordPress plugins for large websites with high traffic and plenty of unique content. With AI technology and a user-friendly dashboard, it provides an actionable checklist to improve your WordPress site SEO from its backlinks to domain authority.

What makes Squirrly SEO unique is its complete keyword tracking and analytics tools. With its local business schema and Google Earth integration, this WordPress plugin is great for enhancing local SEO strategies.

The free version already includes a significant number of SEO features. However, the premium plans offer more advanced features:

Key Features

  • SEO progress and achievements – show your top-performing pages and Google rankings.
  • Duplicate removal tool – deletes identical meta descriptions and titles that can cause issues with your SEO rankings.
  • Bulk SEO – changes multiple meta descriptions and titles, visibility, open graph, and Twitter cards simultaneously.


  • Adequate SEO knowledge is essential to fully utilize the Squirrly SEO plugin features.

3. WP Meta SEO

WP Meta SEO Stats:

  • Downloads: 20,000+
  • Rating: 4.3/5
  • Best for: large business, multimedia, and eCommerce websites
  • Price: freemium, paid plan costs $49/year

WP Meta SEO is a WordPress plugin that can help effectively handle websites with a lot of content and high traffic.

The plugin’s bulk feature makes optimizing images, meta descriptions, and titles much easier. WP Meta SEO analyzes your website performance from the SEO dashboard and gives actionable suggestions.

It has a great Google Search Console integration that helps provide the best keyword suggestions for your SEO-friendly content. It also displays the Google Analytics data of your audience and traffic directly in WordPress.

The free plugin already includes the necessary tools to optimize most WordPress websites. However, the premium version offers more advanced features like a duplicate meta checker and link manager for $49/year.

Key Features

  • Content meta – edits your pages and posts, meta titles, and descriptions.
  • Image editor – resizes and changes the name, alt-text, title, caption, and description of your images without opening the files.
  • Link editor – optimizes anchor texts for all links on your site.


  • WP Meta SEO is not compatible with some SEO plugins.

4. WPSSO Core

WPSSO Stats:

WordPress Social and Search Optimization (WPSSO) is the best SEO plugin to make your content more visible in search results and social media profiles. Suitable for professional websites, WPSSO has over 500 schema types and free add-ons for businesses.

This plugin automatically generates meta tags and schema markups for your content. In addition, WPSSO optimizes image sizes for better thumbnails on search results and social media platforms.

The free plugin offers basic SEO features, but it might not be enough for huge business websites.

The premium plan unlocks advanced features, including dedicated support and complete schema options. It costs $59 for one WordPress website. Fortunately, users can get a discount when purchasing a higher-tier plan.

Key Features

  • Schema properties – customizes the schemas for every post and page and optimizes them on the Google Rich Results.
  • Cache settings – clear cache files to improve loading time and keep your WordPress site up-to-date.
  • Validators – check what your URL looks like on other platforms.


  • This plugin’s interface is not beginner-friendly.

Best Redirect Plugins

Factors such as mistyped URLs, inaccessible or restricted web pages, and updated URLs can cause broken links. This is where a redirect plugin comes in handy. It helps point visitors’ web browsers to the correct web pages on your WordPress website.

In this section, we have listed several best WordPress SEO plugins for redirection.

1. Redirection

Redirection Stats:

Redirection is one of the most popular SEO plugins for WordPress that works for personal and business websites.

The plugin is designed to manage 301 redirects and fix 404 errors. Therefore, you can minimize internal and external link errors while improving your site’s ranking position on search engines.

Even though Redirection is a free SEO plugin for WordPress, it offers many handy tools. For example, it allows you to quickly make bulk redirects and keep track of any permalink changes to your posts and pages.

Key Features

  • Conditional redirects – create redirects for several conditions based on login status, specific web browsers, and referrers.
  • Full logging – monitors all occurring redirects on a website so that you get information regarding visitors, the referrer, and the browser.
  • 404 errors real-time monitoring – receive updates and information about 404 errors on your site so you can quickly fix them.


  • The plugin doesn’t have a role manager feature, so you cannot assign or manage specific roles for other users.

2. WP 301 Redirects

WP 301 Redirects Stats:

  • Downloads: 200,000+
  • Rating: 4.7/5
  • Best for: personal and business websites
  • Price: freemium, premium plans start at $49/license

WP 301 Redirects is another great SEO plugin for WordPress that is suitable for personal and business or agency websites. The plugin has a simple and user-friendly interface, so beginners can quickly learn how to use its tools.

The plugin’s main features include rules for managing various redirections and an error log, letting you keep track of any pages or posts with 404 errors. It also has several useful tools to empty the cache and delete, import, and export redirect rules.

The free version of WP 301 Redirects is available on the WordPress plugin directory and provides all the basic features. If you want to unlock more advanced features, purchase a lifetime license from one of the premium plans below:

Key Features

  • Redirect management – easily handles redirection regardless of your URL structure.
  • Link scanner – checks broken outgoing links and ensures they don’t point to bad or malicious sites.
  • Built-in charts – shows a graphical overview of your page redirects and 404 error logs, allowing you to easily monitor them in real time.
Читать статью  Чем важна SEO-оптимизация


  • The free version of WP 301 Redirects only contains the basic features. You have to purchase a premium plan to use its advanced features.

3. Simple 301 Redirects

Simple 301 Redirects Stats:

Simple 301 Redirects is one of the SEO plugins for WordPress that is completely free. This free SEO plugin can be a great option for individuals and business website owners. There is no need to go through an activation process, as you can immediately use the plugin once it is installed.

The plugin’s dashboard lets you use the main features, like the redirect manager, bulk import, and export redirect rules. Moreover, you can also see the links’ click-through rates by installing BetterLinks, the advanced version of Simple 301 Redirects.

Key Features

  • 301 redirect management – handles 301 redirects, so users can seamlessly pass old URLs to newer ones.
  • Import and export redirects – allows you to easily make redirect rules in bulk.
  • Wildcards support – an advanced feature that lets you redirect files from one directory to another.


  • Compared to other free redirect plugins, Simple 301 Redirects doesn’t offer more advanced features other than the analytics feature from BetterLinks.

4. Safe Redirect Manager

Simple Safe Redirect Manager Stats:

Safe Redirect Manager is another free redirect plugin with a simple user interface yet great features. The plugin is built to handle low to high-level traffic, meaning it can fulfill small to large business website needs.

Once the plugin is activated, you can instantly access it under the WordPress dashboard’s Tools section.

The plugin displays the redirect rules in tables so that you can see them from its main dashboard. When creating a redirect rule, you have several HTTP status code options, such as 301, 302, 403, and 404.

Key Features

  • Easy redirect management – lets you create redirect rules in a few clicks.
  • Various HTTP status codes – give you more options for your redirect rules.
  • Regular expressions – an advanced feature that disables wildcards support.
  • Wildcards support – allows you to move all your files from one directory to a newer one.


  • The Safe Redirect Manager plugin only provides limited features. It lacks advanced features, like a broken link checker and real-time redirect monitoring.

Best Editorial Calendar Plugins

According to SEO best practices, you must create, optimize, and update content to improve its ranking on search engines. This process requires meticulous planning and scheduling for an efficient workflow.

Luckily, WordPress offers many editorial calendar plugins to streamline the content publishing process.

1. CoSchedule

CoSchedule Stats:

  • Downloads: 8,000+
  • Rating: 4.6/5
  • Best for: personal, eCommerce, and company websites
  • Price: freemium, premium plans start at $29/month/user

CoSchedule is a content marketing platform that helps maintain effective content planning and scheduling workflow. It suits individuals and big teams, such as business or company websites.

Since CoSchedule is a web app, you must create an account to sync it to your WordPress dashboard.

This editorial calendar plugin allows you to create and schedule projects while managing them directly from the calendar. It offers various project types, including blog posts, social campaigns, email marketing, newsletters, and podcasts. Simply tick off each task to mark them as complete.

The plugin’s free version provides great features for handling basic tasks. If you want more advanced features, consider the premium plans below:

  • Marketing Calendar Pro – includes advanced task management and social media features for $29/month/user.
  • Marketing Suite – includes content, asset, and work organizer tools. You must contact the sales team for the pricing.

Key Features

  • Rich-featured schedule calendar – monitors, creates, and manages projects in a single calendar.
  • Built-in social analytics – tracks performance metrics of social media campaigns.
  • Project importer tool – adds projects from various platforms, such as Microsoft Excel, Monday, Trello, and Asana.


  • CoSchedule’s premium plan is pricier compared to other similar plugins.

2. SchedulePress

SchedulePress Stats:

  • Downloads: 10,000+
  • Rating: 4.5/5
  • Best for: personal and business websites
  • Price: freemium, paid plans start at $39/year

SchedulePress is an editorial calendar plugin that helps schedule and manage WordPress posts effectively. It’s suitable for both bloggers and business owners.

SchedulePress lets you drag and drop any scheduled content on the calendar. It also has a feature that lets you automatically share posts on various social media platforms like Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

The free version of this plugin offers basic features to support content planning. To unlock the premium features, you must purchase a paid license. Here is a list of SchedulePress Pro’s pricing plans:

  • Individual – costs $39/year and comes with all premium features for one website.
  • Business – costs $119/year and includes all features from the individual plan for unlimited websites.
  • Lifetime Unlimited – costs a one-time payment of $319 and includes all premium features for unlimited sites and lifetime support.

Key Features

  • Visual schedule calendar – displays content workflow, creates post schedules, and lets you manage them.
  • Dashboard widget – checks content drafts and scheduled posts from the WordPress dashboard.
  • Full control over scheduling posts – configures post categories and manages user roles like administrators, editors, and authors.


  • The automatic social media sharing feature only supports four platforms.

3. Nelio Content

Nelio Content Stats:

  • Downloads: 6,000+
  • Rating: 4.3/5
  • Best for: publisher, eCommerce, and nonprofit websites
  • Price: freemium, the paid licenses start at $9/month

Nelio Content is a user-friendly editorial calendar and content assistant plugin that suits personal websites for publishing companies, eCommerce stores, and non-profit agencies.

The calendar lets you create new posts and set their status to draft, pending, and scheduled. It also supports a drag-and-drop functionality, making it easier to reschedule your posts.

Moreover, Nelio Content has a social media integration that helps you automatically promote content on over 10 supported social media platforms. This feature lets you select your preferred social media publication frequency.

The free plugin already provides significant features for managing content scheduling. To unlock more features and tools, consider purchasing one of the premium plans:

  • Basic – handles one site for $9/month.
  • Standard – handles up to three sites for $19/month.
  • Plus – handles up to 10 sites for $29/month.

Key Features

  • Content assistant – helps improve content quality by giving internal linking suggestions and allowing other members to comment.
  • Social automation – analyzes and extracts the most relevant sentences from the web content and automatically posts them to social media platforms.
  • Built-in analytics – integrate Google Analytics and social media accounts metrics.


  • The premium plans offer similar features that make the pricing quite expensive.

4. PublishPress

PublishPress Stats:

  • Downloads: 7,000+
  • Rating: 4.9/5
  • Best for: personal and business websites
  • Price: freemium, premium plans start at $59/year

PublishPress is one of the best editorial plugins that offers user-friendly and rich features for blog, media, and agency website owners. You can install and activate the plugin in just a few clicks, and there is no need to use any third-party accounts.

This editorial calendar plugin lets you quickly filter and find projects based on status, tags, categories, and authors. When clicking on a specific project, you can see more details about its status, type, author, and editorial comment.

PublishPress’s free plan includes various features for creating basic content scheduling tasks. If you want to upgrade the free plugin to a pro version, here is the pricing list:

  • Business – costs $59/year for one site.
  • Agency – costs $129/year for up to five sites.
  • Unlimited – costs $199/year for unlimited sites.

Key Features

  • Easy-to-use calendar – manages published and scheduled posts or pages.
  • Content overview – displays all tasks and their details.
  • Custom status – adds status to projects, like draft, in progress, and published for better organization.
  • Notifications – send email notifications for content status updates.


  • PublishPress doesn’t have a social media integration feature.
  • It lacks an automation feature for publishing and promoting content.

Discover Other WordPress Plugins to Boost Your Marketing Strategy


The best SEO WordPress plugins and tools can drive higher traffic and improve website performance. Furthermore, the suitable WordPress SEO plugin and tool can help with XML sitemaps creation, broken link checking, keyword research, and backlink research.

We have classified the 24 best SEO plugins for WordPress into six categories. To sum up, here are our recommendations for each category:

  • AIOSEO – adds meta descriptions, meta titles, and on-page analysis directly on WordPress.
  • MonsterInsights – shows Google Analytics data on the WordPress dashboard.
  • LiteSpeed Cache – speeds up loading time by caching a website, minifying CSS and JavaScript files, and optimizing images.
  • SEOPress – boosts site performance by optimizing meta descriptions, managing redirects, and improving SEO analysis.
  • Redirection – creates bulk redirects and solves 404 redirection errors.
  • CoSchedule – makes and manages content schedules and helps you stay up-to-date with the built-in social analytics tool.

Hopefully, this article has helped you pick the best SEO tools for your WordPress website. Consider checking out our WordPress hosting service if you want to start an online journey with Hostinger.

WordPress SEO Plugins FAQ

If you still have questions regarding WordPress SEO plugins, the following section might help answer them.

What to Look For in a WordPress SEO Plugin?

Many WordPress SEO plugins offer different functionality, so picking one that suits your strategy is important. For example, AIOSEO is ideal for on-page optimization, while MonsterInsights is a great option for tracking website traffic. Also, pay attention to the plugin’s reputation and support.

Is an SEO Plugin Required for WordPress?

Installing an SEO plugin isn’t required. WordPress already has some built-in SEO tools to create and customize permalinks, meta descriptions, and alt texts. However, having an SEO plugin can enhance these tools’ capabilities.

Can I Use Multiple SEO Plugins for My WordPress Site?

Using multiple WordPress SEO plugins with similar features on one site is not recommended. It might lead to a plugin conflict, slow performance, or even break your website.

The author

Domantas leads the content and SEO teams forward with fresh ideas and out of the box approaches. Armed with extensive SEO and marketing knowledge, he aims to spread the word of Hostinger to every corner of the world. During his free time, Domantas likes to hone his web development skills and travel to exotic places.

The Co-author

Astari is a digital marketing expert, with a focus on SEO and WordPress. She loves to share her wealth of knowledge through her writing, and enjoys surfing the internet for new information when she’s not out in the waves or hiking a mountain. Her mission is to learn something new every day, and she firmly believes that there is no such thing as too much knowledge.

Источник https://habr.com/ru/companies/gcorelabs/articles/570194/

Источник https://www.hostinger.com/tutorials/best-seo-plugins-wordpress

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