Что такое SEO?

Что такое SEO?

В первую очередь, давайте договоримся об используемых терминах.

Термин «SEO» = «Поисковое продвижение» = «Поисковая оптимизация» = «Раскрутка сайта» = «SEO-оптимизация» = «Продвижение сайта».

Как мы видим, терминов используется много, а суть, которая кроется за ними — одна.


Общее определение
SEO (аббревиатура от Search Engine Optimization) — комплекс мероприятий по увеличению видимости сайта в поисковых системах по целевым поисковым запросам.

Что такое «SEO-продвижение в бытовом плане»
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) — совокупность работ, направленная на улучшение позиций сайта в результатах выдачи поисковых систем для увеличения посещаемости сайта. Стоит отметить, что написание «СЕО» (в значении «СЕО продвижение сайта»), неправильное, так как является английской аббревиатурой от должности Chief Executive Officer (в переводе — «главный исполнительный директор»).

Альтернативное, развернутое определение
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) — совокупность работ по развитию сайта, изменению его окружения, анализу поведения пользователей, направленная на улучшение уже существующих позиций по целевым запросам (в Яндексе, Google, Mail.ru и других поисковиках), а также получение хороших позиций (в ТОП-10) по новым интересующим запросам.

От общего количества и популярности продвигаемых запросов напрямую зависит посещаемость сайта из поиска и, следовательно, его «раскрученность».

Совокупность запросов, по которым осуществляется продвижение, носит название семантического ядра сайта.

К работам по SEO-оптимизации (поисковому продвижению) относят:

  • анализ алгоритмов ранжирования поисковых систем, для выявления ключевых факторов ранжирования, отслеживание нововведений поисковиков;
  • анализ текущего спроса (статистики поисковых запросов, заходов на сайты в тематике);
  • составление списка продвигаемых запросов (семантического ядра);
  • работы по улучшению самого сайта (внутренняя оптимизация);
  • работы по увеличению цитирования сайта и числу его упоминаний в сети (внешняя оптимизация);
  • работы по анализу поведения пользователей на сайте и на страницах результатов выдачи (улучшение поведенческих факторов);
  • отслеживание результатов (позиции по целевым запросам, трафика) и внесение корректировок в текущую схему работы.

Видео: что такое SEO и как «эта штука» работает?

Отслеживание результатов работы по продвижению

В качестве отслеживания результатов по продвижению и оптимизации сайта используются две ключевые метрики — позиции сайта по целевым запросам (видимость) и поисковый трафик по коммерческим запросам (дополнительно вычисляют CPC — стоимость привлечения 1 целевого посетителя по каналу).

Позиции сайта в выдаче

Для определения позиции сайта требуется задать: поисковый запрос, поисковую систему и регион раскрутки. На Рис.1 представлена выдача Яндекса в регионе «Москва» по ключевому запросу [Продвижение и изготовление сайтов].

Что такое SEO и как оценивать результат

Рисунок 1: выдача поисковой системы Яндекс (1) в регионе Москва (2) по ключевому запросу [Продвижение и изготовление сайтов] (3). На первом месте в выдаче (4) фигурирует оптимизируемый сайт pixelplus.ru (5).

Трафик по целевым запросам

Для анализа трафика из выдачи используются системы аналитики, такие как — Яндекс.Метрика и/или Google Analytics. Данные системы позволяют оценить целевой трафик, его величину, конкретные поисковые запросы, по которым осуществляются переходы и прочую полезную для SEO информацию. На Рис.2 представлен пример анализа входящего на сайт трафика по запросам, в которых содержится слово «дублен*». Отчет получен с использованием системы аналитики Google Analytics.

Анализ целевого трафика на сайт

Рисунок 2: анализ поискового трафика (1) на сайт по ключевым фразам со словом «дублен*» (2) и его абсолютной величины (3).

SEO и контекстная реклама

Иногда естественные результаты выдачи по запросу (которые имеют сайты в результате их поисковой оптимизации) путают с контекстной рекламой, а также подмешиванием специализированных сервисов Яндекса.

На Рис.3 представлен пример разделения естественных результатов выдачи (SEO) и рекламных результатов (контекстная реклама) в поисковике Яндекс, отдельно выделен специализированный результат — Яндекс.Маркет.

Различие Директа, выдачи и Маркета

Рисунок 3: отделение на странице выдачи контекстной рекламы (1), подмешенного сервиса Яндекса — Маркета (2) и естественных результатов выдачи (3). Позиция подмешенного сервиса (2) может меняться в зависимости от поведения пользователей на странице выдачи.

Естественные результаты при этом (в общем случае) имеют большую привлекательность для пользователей, так как не представляют собой платную рекламу и, следовательно, вызывают больше доверия и генерируют больше целевого трафика на сайт.

Сроки получения результатов по SEO

В общем случае, для получения отдачи после запуска работ по продвижению сайта требуется от 3 недель до 9-12 месяцев. Сроки определяются уровнем конкуренции по запросу и общему уровню конкуренции в продвигаемой тематике. Также существенно сказываются на сроках такие факторы как:

  • возраст сайта (критерий доверия к сайту со стороны поисковой системы);
  • число сайтов, которые активно продвигаются в данной тематике (критерий «плотности» результатов выдачи);
  • общий трафик на сайте (критерий оценки полезности сайта для пользователей);
  • число и качество ресурсов, которые ссылаются на продвигаемый сайта (критерий авторитетности ресурса);
  • количество релевантных запросу документов на сайте (оценка соответствия тематики сайта поисковому запросу);
  • организация рабочего процесса и отчетности, за счет инструментов автоматизации время на механические операции в SEO — существенно сокращается ( PromoPult / SeoPult , Пиксель Тулс и другие ).

Увеличением бюджета, который вкладывается в раскрутку — не всегда удается сократить сроки вывода сайта в ТОП-10. Темпы попадания в ТОП во многом регламентируют сами поисковые системы, и они не могут быть сокращены с 4-6 месяцев до 1 месяца простым увеличением бюджета.

Стоимость привлечения трафика

В большинстве тематик, с помощью SEO удается добиться низкой стоимости привлечения на сайт одного целевого посетителя (метрика CPC). Для поисковой оптимизации стоимость, оказывается в диапазоне от ≈ 0,1 рублей до ≈ 30 рублей за посетителя, что в несколько раз ниже аналогичной стоимости привлечения через системы контекстной рекламы. Этим и объясняется привлекательность SEO как одного из основных каналов интернет-рекламы.

Формирование стоимости работ по SEO

Стоимость продвижения (раскрутки) напрямую зависит от совокупности продвигаемых запросов (семантики, семантического ядра) и общего уровня доверия к сайту со стороны поисковой системы.

Общие правила определения стоимости:

  1. Чем большее число, более конкурентных запросов планируется к выводу в ТОП-10 результатов выдачи — тем выше стоимость таких работ.
  2. Чем выше уровень доверия к сайту со стороны поисковой системы (возраст сайта, число ссылающихся на него других сайтов, посещаемость) — тем ниже стоимость работ.
  3. Чем большее число сайтов активно продвигаются в тематике — тем выше стоимость работ.
  4. Чем привлекательней, удобней и функциональней раскручиваемый сайт — тем ниже стоимость работ.
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В компании «Пиксель Плюс» стоимость продвижения в Москве и Санкт-Петербурге начинается от 84 900 рублей в месяц.
В других регионах России тариф удается снизить до суммы от 64 900 рублей в месяц за счёт меньшей конкуренции.

Активным спросом пользуются тарифы, KPI по которым больше приближен к важным бизнес-показателям, а именно: работа по трафику и целевым действиям (лидам).


Вы можете подробней ознакомиться с продвижением и пройти обучение по SEO на канале Пиксель Тулс.

What Is SEO? A Comprehensive Guide for 2023

What Is SEO? A Comprehensive Guide for 2023

SEO stands for search engine optimization, and it is a practice of optimizing your web pages to rank higher on search engine result pages (SERP).

SEO also serves as a reliable and budget-friendly marketing strategy to help you drive traffic to a website and grow conversion rates.

To better understand what SEO is, this article will walk you through the search engine and SEO basics, explain how search algorithms work, and what factors influence your site’s ranking.

At the end of the article, you will also find the best SEO practices and comprehensive resources to expand your SEO knowledge.

SEO Explained – Video Tutorial

Want to know more about what is SEO? Watch our video to find out.

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If you want to feature your business on local search results, pay close attention to the different aspects of local SEO:

  • Google My Business (GMB) profile. The map shown in the top results on Google local search comes from GMB profiles. You need to create an account first. Be sure to fill in accurate and complete data such as your name, address, and phone number, as these will serve as ranking factors. Additionally, Google also ranks a GMB profile based on its distance, prominence, and relevance to a search query.
  • Local keyword research. When done right, including local keywords on your pages can give a ranking boost on the SERPs. Make a list of keywords describing your products or services, then add location-based modifiers. An SEO tool like Ahrefs can help you identify how well keywords perform based on their search volume and difficulty.
  • Localized content. Targeting a specific demographic and localized content can help your business website improve its visibility. Create locally relevant content that fulfills the demand of your target audience. From blog posts and guides to case studies and recommendations, make sure to choose the ones that fit your business niche.
  • Customer reviews. Reviews show that customers trust your business, and Google will notice that fact. Therefore, start encouraging your customers to leave their comments. You can do this by sending them an email or providing a review page. Since Google also considers third-party reviews, be sure to monitor your online reviews.

Best SEO Practices: Ways to Improve Your Google Rankings

It is crucial to implement the best practices with so many SEO factors influencing your website’s search engine rankings. Applying wrong and outdated SEO strategies will not only harm your rankings but can also impact your traffic and conversions.

We have listed some of the best practices to improve SEO and keep you ahead of the competition.

Target Long-Tail Keywords

Keyword research is essential for search engine optimization. It shows everything from what people are searching to the keywords your competitors are ranking for.

Thus, it is important to know what SEO keyword research is and perform it efficiently.

First, you need to understand the different types of SEO keywords:

  • Seed. The keywords that define your niche and act as the base to expand your content, also known as focus keywords. The keyword can be as simple as “coffee” or “what is SEO”.
  • Synonyms. Keywords with the same meaning yet composed differently, attracting similar search results. For example, “how to fix broken headphones” can be changed to “how to repair broken headphones”.
  • Long-tail. Longer, particular phrases that answer a specific search query. These commonly consist of three or more keyword phrases, such as “gluten-free chocolate cookies recipe”.
  • Semantically-related. These keywords are conceptually related to each other. For example, “visit Los Angeles” is semantically related to “flight tickets to LA” and “best destinations in LA”.

The key to optimizing SEO with keyword research is to target a relevant topic to your industry that has good traffic potential while keeping in mind metrics such as:

  • Search volume. It determines how many people are looking for a specific query within a given time and is commonly measured using national-level data.
  • Keyword difficulty. Also referred to as keyword competition, this metric measures how difficult it is for a keyword to rank in Google organic search results.

Fortunately, SEO tools such as Ahrefs, Semrush, and Google Keyword Planner can easily identify these metrics.

If you want to write a piece of content containing a cookie recipe, checking your focus keywords will show that most of them are highly competitive:

If your website is new and you’re targeting the keyword “peanut butter cookies”, you don’t have much chance of ranking high on Google. Thus, it’s better to start listing out long-tail keywords, such as:

A keyword with a high search volume attracts more organic search traffic but is also more competitive. Targeting high-volume keywords means competing with high-quality sites that have higher authority.

On the other hand, long-tail keywords have less competition and allow you to build highly relevant content for your audience.

Start by improving your website’s traffic through long-tail keywords and build your SEO keyword strategy from there.

Expert Tip

Your competition is basically websites you’ll be trying to outrank. For this, just take a closer look and see if you have a lot of professional websites, big media websites, or company websites? Does your website sit among these sites?

If you see a lot of established websites on the first page, I would recommend starting with new, different keywords especially if you’re working on a new website. Those keywords will most likely have a lower search volume, but they should be easier to rank.

Also, if you have a Google Ads account, you can even check the pay-per-click for certain search terms. Those with high pay-per-click are usually harder to rank in organic search.

Head of Organic Marketing

Match Your Content for Search Intent

Search engine algorithms help present more advanced search results for users based on the purpose of their search.

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For instance, Google’s algorithm not only gives users relevant search results but is also able to determine their specific search intent.

When a user searches for “how to pair a JBL Bluetooth speaker” Google will present results from pages or videos that contain instructions of some kind.

Meanwhile, when a user searches for “buy a JBL Bluetooth speaker” Google instantly shows eCommerce pages as the top results.

This occurs because the search algorithms can detect the four primary search intents and act accordingly.

  • Informational. It refers to the users who want to know or learn about something. The searches for this intent include, but are not limited to, phrases with “how to”, “who is”, and “what is”.
  • Navigational. Users with this intent are looking to visit specific sites. Instead of typing the URL in their address bar, users choose to navigate through Google. Some examples of searches for this intent are “Reddit login”, “Facebook”, “Spotify”.
  • Commercial. Users usually conduct this search before they make a purchase. They investigate and compare multiple brands, products, or services to find the best option. A common query for this search intent looks like “gaming laptops 2023” or “top restaurants near me”.
  • Transactional. These searchers are targeting a specific product or service to buy. The searches commonly include brand names, such as “Buy Samsung Galaxy S20” or “Air Jordan Retro for Sale”.

For example, to rank for such keyword as “natural face cleansers”, you need to craft your content for informational intent. Focus on answering possible questions related to the industry, write about the benefits of natural products, tips for clear skin, or DIY natural face products.

However, it’s different from when you want to rank for “best webcams for streaming”. Users with this intent simply wish to compare the best webcams for streaming purposes. Thus, this belongs to the commercial intent.

With that in mind, the best SEO practice is to align your content to suit the various types of intent. In short, identify what your users want and provide the answers to them.

Include the Target Keyword In Title Tags

A title tag is critical to your website. It provides users with an insight into the content and helps them see why it’s relevant to their searches.

Users want to find web pages that show relevant keywords to their queries. That’s why Google urges you to create good titles and snippets for search results.

When you optimize a title tag with a target keyword, it gives the search engine more opportunities to discover your website and rank it higher.

For instance, the top results for “how to increase productivity in the workplace” contain a specific target keyword.

The key is to place your main keyword early in the title. Not only can it grab the users’ attention, but it also helps search engines determine what the page is about.

However, make sure the keyword placement sounds natural and avoid stuffing unnecessary words.

In addition to optimizing your title tags, it is also important to craft your meta descriptions. This allows you to reflect on what the content is about and entice users to click on the page.

A few SEO tips to note are to keep the descriptions around 150 characters, use active voice, and make them actionable.

If you use WordPress, the SEO plugin Yoast offers suggestions for title tags and descriptions, along with a snippet editor that allows you to preview how your page will look on Google.

Expert Tip

SEO plugins are great because they give you recommendations on what exactly you need to do to optimize the content for specific keywords. It’s super easy – start by entering your key phrase, then it’ll analyze your content and provide a list of suggestions for optimization.

I personally never ever follow the suggestions blindly, but if you are just starting with SEO, I would say these suggestions are really good. It’s as easy as applying these suggestions and getting that green smile.

Head of Organic Marketing

Get Authorized Backlinks

Authorized backlinks refer to links coming from reputable websites. Google’s algorithm sees backlinks as votes of confidence on your site and considers the source’s domain authority to validate them.

The right amount of authorized backlinks will bring more benefits than having excessive links from spammy websites.

High-quality backlinks help your SEO rankings, while poor-quality backlinks can hurt your site’s credibility.

Here are a few SEO tips for building quality backlinks to your site:

  • Write quality content. Providing comprehensive and informational content on your site is essential. It helps other sites judge your authority and determine whether your page is worth linking to.
  • Guest blogging. This refers to the practice of writing a blog post for another website. In return, they allow you to add backlinks in the post or the author’s bio section. Additionally, you get brand recognition and exposure to a broader audience, triggering more organic traffic to your site.
  • Analyze your competitor’s backlinks. Keeping an eye on the competition allows you to identify websites that are likely to link back to your site. Tools such as Monitor Backlinks and Ahrefs Link Intersect will enable you to monitor backlink opportunities. Once you have listed the sites that link to your competitor, reach the site owners and deliver your pitch.
  • Broken link building. This SEO technique involves finding HTML 404 errors on a website and notifying the site owner. It allows you to suggest your website as a resource to replace the broken link. You can use Ahrefs Broken Link Checker to scout and identify broken links on the web.

Expert Tip

If you’re just starting your website, what I would do is google the keywords I want to rank. The search results will show me 100 results, and then I try to find pages where I can place links to my website. It can be a forum post or a blog. Try contacting the blog owner, and offer him a guest post that you’ll have to write and link back to your website.

If it’s like a local website and you’re trying to rank it locally, you can use directories and the classified ads websites for that.

Head of Organic Marketing

Prepare for the New Algorithm

Google introduced a new search algorithm called page experience. It refers to a set of signals that measures user experience when interacting with a web page.

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Page experience includes existing SEO factors such as mobile-friendliness, website security, and page speed. It also uses Core Web Vitals, a set of metrics that measure loading, interactivity, and visual stability.

These metrics include:

  • Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) – reports the amount of time required for the page’s largest content to load, including images and videos. The ideal load time is 2.5 seconds.
  • First Input Delay (FID) – measures the time from when a user first interacts with a page, such as clicking on a link or tapping a button, to when the browser processes that request. The suggested FID is less than 100 milliseconds.
  • Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) – counts the total unexpected layout shifts on a page during the loading phase. It prevents visitors from clicking on elements that suddenly change positions. For the best user experience, a website should have a CLS score of less than 0.1.

Now that you know what components are involved in the upcoming search algorithm update, here are some tips you can follow to prepare your site for the new update:

  • Detect and fix usability issues. Usability refers to the ease of use of a website. Use web page heatmap tools such as Crazy Egg and Hotjar to learn how visitors engage with your site. The tool highlights which parts get the most attention and where visitors are likely to get stuck, allowing you to enhance your page structure and provide a better user experience.
  • Enable safe browsing. Google eliminates potentially harmful sites from its search results. It keeps visitors away from malicious and deceptive content. Access Security Issues Report on Google Search Console to ensure your pages don’t have any security issues. It helps detect hacked content, malware, and phishing attacks.
  • Optimize for mobile devices. A responsive design automatically adjusts website elements to fit different screen sizes. It provides an optimal experience for visitors across devices, from desktops to smartphones. Some good approaches include applying a fluid layout for your design and eliminating pop-ups that launch new windows.

Expert Tip

There is a common misconception about Core Web Vitals. It does not play a huge role in the algorithm.

It’s for sure important and can move your rankings up, but if your overall SEO strategy is not good, if your content isn’t optimized, having the perfect Core Web Vitals and a 100 score in PageSpeed Insights most likely won’t help you at all.

Even Google itself has been downplaying the importance of Core Web Vitals as a ranking factor, and there is a great article by Search Engine Journal about this if you want to learn more.

Head of Organic Marketing

Why Is SEO Important?

Generating around 53.3% of all website traffic, organic search has become a crucial part of online marketing. Organic traffic brings a high prospect of turning visitors into buyers or members of your business.

However, driving organic traffic to your site is not easy, and this is where SEO comes into play. With SEO, you can optimize different parts of your website and page to fit various criteria of the ever-changing search algorithms.

SEO provides a set of strategies that focus on boosting a website’s visibility on search engines. The higher your rank is, the more traffic your site will get.

Especially for businesses, optimizing your site’s SEO can give your brand more exposure and possibly grow your sales and revenue.

In addition to that, Google’s algorithm takes numerous SEO factors into account when ranking websites for their results.

If your website manages to get a position on the top of search engine result pages, it can help establish your brand or business’s trust and credibility.

Where to Learn More About SEO

Learning about SEO from scratch requires a lot of time and patience. Besides understanding the basics of SEO, you’ll need resources to learn the fundamentals of digital marketing and how search engines work.

To help you get started, we have listed some of the best SEO learning resources available:

  • Google Webmaster Central Blog. This blog keeps you updated on Google’s ever-changing algorithm. It provides documentation about the most recent SEO factors, trends, SEO practices, and new Google search features and core updates.
  • Ahrefs. The Ahrefs blog provides a wide selection of guides and articles surrounding SEO and marketing. It presents fresh and relevant content written by SEO experts and marketing practitioners.
  • MOZ. In addition to offering SEO tools and software, Moz has a comprehensive blog and resources to learn SEO. It provides everything from expert SEO advice to recent market data and insights to level-up your marketing skills.
  • Search Engine Journal. This online platform offers the latest SEO news, analytics, and guides from marketing and SEO experts. The content ranges from SEO tips for beginners to in-depth strategies and practices. Additionally, the website provides various resources such as eBooks, podcasts, and webinars.
  • Search Engine Roundtable. This website collects the most interesting threads from SEO forums and provides more details about them. It allows users to access information from different forums on recent SEO topics in a single place.
  • Backlinko. Providing SEO training and link-building strategies, Backlinko is a popular marketing blog run by an SEO expert to help grow online businesses. The content revolves around SEO advice, tips, techniques, and case studies.


Working on search engine optimization involves numerous factors and practices. SEO strategies are constantly evolving to keep up with the dynamic search engine algorithms.

A site with well-implemented SEO has an excellent chance to appear on the top search results and get an increase in traffic.

To ensure you implement the best SEO practices, let’s recap the four main types of SEO we previously discussed:

  • On-page SEO – focuses on content-related elements on your web pages, including image-alt, title tag, and meta description.
  • Off-page SEO – involves activities outside of your website, such as link building, outreach marketing, and guest posting.
  • Technical SEO – includes SEO technical aspects to optimize your website’s speed, compatibility, security, and ease-of-use.
  • Local SEO – SEO strategies to boost your website visibility on local searches and gain more local traffic.

With that in mind, we hope you have a clearer vision of how to improve your website’s SEO efforts.

Keep in mind that SEO is a continuous process. To get visible benefits in the long run, you need to constantly adjust your SEO strategy and adopt the newest SEO factors and practices.


The author

Nabilla is a website hosting and development enthusiast. She loves to share her knowledge with others in order to help them grow their online presence. When she’s not busy writing, Nabilla enjoys exploring nature and going on adventures. She is passionate about helping people achieve their online goals.

Источник https://pixelplus.ru/samostoyatelno/stati/prodvizhenie-saytov/chto-takoe-seo.html

Источник https://www.hostinger.com/tutorials/what-is-seo/

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